Friday, June 11, 2010

So I'm thinking of taking a new path

I guess as of late I've been a bit frustrated (more at myself than anyone) that I have been able to see the Lord's hand in everyone elses' life but my own. I may be lacking faith- or just the patience to sit back and look at my life objectively. So as much as I wish I could find time to contribute all the funny stories and cute things that happen on a daily basis on this blog, I think I may just call it quits and start my own life journal online. I am torn by this decision because of I have mixed emotions about the whole thing.
1. It's online and therefore free; since books and books of journals without ugly spiral spines are super pricey.
2. No ugly printing! I wish I had applied myself a bit more in grades four and five, because now I am just stuck with this awful writing that looks like a seventh grader wrote it 5 minutes before it was due.
3. I hate writing at the bottom of the page with no hand support! makes the crappy writing that much worse!!
4. I might loose a book, but the Internet is forever, right?!
5. Spell Check.

1. As much as I rag on writing by hand, I still love it in some sick way and see it's immense value in culture and development in general.
2. Distractions x 1 billion!! Kids are hard enough as they run around, but with email and facebook a simple click away.... just a sec... I'll be right back.....
3. I will feel like I need to finish an entry once it is started. Wait, isn't that a good thing? Well, kinda, but with pen I can just pick it back up when dinner is made. Getting out the computer out, logging in, blah blah blah, just to finish a couple of sentences. I'm exhausted already!
4. Loss of personalization. Will my grand kids even know what my writing looked like? Will they be scrapbooking random grocery lists of mine just to have a piece of my hand?
5. Should I even bother locking it down as private? I have no idea how to do this blogging thing or how to fiddle with security settings... but then again, what is the worst that could happen? Someone might read that I cried my eyeballs out one afternoon. What mom hasn't?

So that is what is on my mind. Perhaps I will be off to explore this "blogger" thing and see what I can come up with.